Colourful Collections
Posted on October 23, 2015
Looking out of the windows at Incy Wincy's we could see a show of Autumn colours next door in Bedale Park, the Bumble Bees and Caterpillar staff couldn't resist the temptation to take the children to experience the colours, textures and sounds first hand.
It didn't take long for the younger children to begin throwing the leaves in the air, watching them flutter down to the ground again. The older children began their own games, it was hide and seek behind the trees before an old favourite - puddle jumping!
The children had so much fun that we returned to nursery with our own collections which included conkers, acorns and leaves. The seasonal theme is running through Incy Wincy's each day as the children paint with vegetable colours, explore seeds and talk about hibernating animals (linking in with Victor our tortoise). Today the children were playing with sycamore keys seeing how they spun through the air "like a helicopter". They soon discovered that if they spin in the same way they soon get a slightly dizzy feeling.