It's raining, it's pouring...
Posted on July 30, 2015
It seems we have moved from a heatwave to water, water everywhere this week. The rain hasn't disappointed the Bumble Bees though as many of them continue with their ongoing fascinations - water play!

Arriving at nursery recently they discovered the new water feature, which will soon be sunk into the garden for the younger children to explore but in the meantime some couldn't resist playing with this anyway. It began in a quiet way as they patted the silver ball but soon they had turned it slightly and there was alot of chuckling as the water splashed all around them.
Dressed in waterproofs and wellies the water play has continued as the children danced around in the rain, turning their faces to the sky and stomping in the puddles.
Jess and her Bumble Bee team will be creating a display to show all the learning opportunities and the fun that can be had with water, why not pop into their room to see this the next time you are in nursery.