The Bumble Bees meet Victor
Posted on April 29, 2016
In the Bumble Bee room we heard the great news that Victor, the nursery tortoise, had woken from his winter sleep and we were very excited to meet him. Lauren brought Victor into the Bumble bee room and we had some very intrigued little faces. Some ran over and wanted to touch his shell, following him around the room whilst others sat back and watched as Victor crawled around.
We thought it would be a good idea to build a house for Victor using the blocks, two of the boys worked together to create a small space in which Victor could safely explore. Victor likes to eat dandelions from the garden,so whilst out playing we picked lots for him to have for his dinner. We are looking forward to Victor's next visit and will maybe take him into the garden to show him where we play.
Jess and the team