Up, up and away

Posted on February 07, 2016


It was lovely to welcome so many of the children and their family members into Incy Wincys today to join the Pancake Party fun.  

Parent Forum members provided Pancake games and activities for the children, while members of team Incy Wincy's set up a pancake production line in the kitchen. The savoury and sweet fillings went down a treat, luckily despite well over a 100 yummy pancakes being eaten there were just enough left for the children (and parents) to finish the morning with a little fresh air and exercise as they took part in pancake races in the park. The parent race had the traditional toss the pancake feature, it may have been the cross wind or that some pancakes were heavier than others but needless to say some did not land back in the pan!

The idea for the event came from our Parent Forum; designed to help everyone recover from the January Blues we think it did the job.  If you have any ideas for future events or would like to learn more about the Parent Forum why not come along to our next meeting on 29th February.  We will be welcoming a member of the Martin House Hospice team on the night as they share more about their work and how the money we raise for them as our nominated charity supports this
